This is the blog of a family dog named Abby in Upstate New York, who writes (in her own words)about her everyday life.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The top picture is what I look like when I wait to be let in. I sit and wait all alone, in the cold. When my family goes somewhere I sit the same way inside by the window watching them drive away. This is how I sat yesterday when my Mom and sister went to TCBS. I waited, lying in my cage (second picture) and whining until they came back. My cage is like my bed. It's were I sleep at night and were I am lying when my sister's clock starts making a lot of noise, causing me to groan ever so loudly. At this point she calls me a pesimist and gets up to get ready for school. Dumb clock.


Anonymous said...

Love your site, keep up the good work. Abby is so adorable!

Anika and Tobias said...

Man, you got it tough...The clock in the room we sleep in isn't that bad, I barely hear it.

Abby said...

Hi, Boomer and Sarah! Thanks for the comments! You better belive my clock's loud! And at 5:40 in the morning!

Pedi said...

Ja, dämliche Wecker, ich kenn die Dinger. Allerdings muss ich nicht ganz so früh aufstehen wie du, also will ich mich mal nicht beschweren. :-)

Sherman said...

I didn't know you go to TCBS. Is your mom a leader??????

Sherman said...

Oops! The boy jusst said that as him self. Oh well.

Abby said...

Yes, she's the coordinator, Sherman, though I really don't know what that is. Anyway, yes she is (a leader).