This is the blog of a family dog named Abby in Upstate New York, who writes (in her own words)about her everyday life.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sorry I haven't posted!!! This is where I've been lying the last few days. Under the table. Sometimes I lie right by my mom's feet to bug her and get her to pet me. Doesn't always work, but that's a tip for all the dogs out there. It's also nice and dark under there which makes it very good for sleeping. You also get to all the crumbs that fall. At the time that this picture was taken I was taking a very well diserved nap, not that there is any nap that is undiserved, but......
The only problem with napping there is that the big, loud thing that sucks dirt up comes there to clean up my hair and I always have to run away. What's the point, anyway?? I'm just going to make it hairy again!!! Humans do the dumbest things....... Anyway, I'll try to post again soon!!!


Sherman said...

My kitchen floor under the table is to hard. I would rather sleep on my bed instead. I would like the falling crumbs however.

Gudl said...

Poor Abby! Sorry that I have to interrupt your 'busy' day doing nothing with WORK!!!
But I do know it's not your fault that you shed! I love you anyway.

Abby said...

I love the falling crumbs...It's like raining treats.
It's not my fault that I shed. I can't control it. :(

Anika and Tobias said...

Ya know, some humans all it,"raining cats and dogs" for some reason, but you could call it, raining crumbs and treats"

Abby said...

Raining cats and dogs?? Man, humans never stop getting weirder and weirder.

Gemma said...

Ach Abby, wenn ich dich da so liegen sehe, dann beneide ich dich sehr!! Genauso denke ich über unsere Katze Maxi, die liegt auch den lieben langen Tag an den schönsten Plätzchen im Haus und pooft.....
Ach, übrigens: "the big, loud thing that sucks dirt up" ist übrigens der "vacuum cleaner", oder auf deutsch: Staubsauger!

germanone93 said...

Hey AbbyAbbyAbbyAbbyAbbyAbbyAbbyAbby!!! Look cute laying under the table like that. Check out my blog again..we've had snow...