This is the blog of a family dog named Abby in Upstate New York, who writes (in her own words)about her everyday life.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Ok, people, I've been tagged(by Sherman). I've never been tagged before, so I hope I do this right. I have to name five reasons why I like blogging:
1. I like to meet other doggy friends
2. I get to post cute pictures of me and other doggies
3. I get to show humans the dumb things they do(hehehehe)
4. I gives me something to do and reasons to get pictures taken of my [cute]self
5. My doggy friends and I get to make fun of all the crazy things our feline " companions" do
Now I will tag Patch and Sydney.

I hope I did this right.....if not, please tell me how to fix it.


Anonymous said...

Nobody feels tagged by you, ? Poor Abby...

Abby said...

Patch does!