This is the blog of a family dog named Abby in Upstate New York, who writes (in her own words)about her everyday life.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just a Picture-Post


BenTheRotti said...

Abby ~ The definition of beauuuuutiful!


Ben xxxx

i said...

Hi Abby, hope all is well with you there. That's a beautiful picture of you!

Anika said...

haha the first comment is funny =]]

ur so cute abby. i just realized my finger is turninga yellowish green from being too cold so im gonna go warm it. seee yaaaa

Dunja said...

You have been tagged.Melli!!

JO said...

HI Abby! Haven't been by in a looong while... Been really busy with my new brother around... Love your pic...take care, Tumbleweed