This is the blog of a family dog named Abby in Upstate New York, who writes (in her own words)about her everyday life.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Ok, I'm posting!!! Ok, so this is a video of our dumb-bird in the tree. You can't really see him, but you can hear him!!!!!!! Geez, how dumb can you get?!?!?!?! He KNOCKS HIS HEAD into trees for a living!!!!!!!! THAT must be a great job! I really hope he has life insurance... Just knock-knock, why don't you!?!?!?! Dumb bird. How can you do it? You don't see me knocking my head into trees, do you?!?! Ok, so most of you haven't seen me at all, but you get the drift. I mean, that bird totally ruins my day. Picture this: You are lying outside in the grass on a beautiful summer day, dreaming about other handsome dogs (ahem, Boomer!), when suddenly you hear this horrible pecking!!!!!!!!!! Ugh!!!! A beautiful moment shattered!!! You know what?! Now that I think about it, I remember in our old house there was a really bad knocking in our fireplace, and you know what it turned out to be?!?! You guessed it, our dumb-bird. Well, that's what I call him. I don't know what he's really called, but he is just about the dumbest bird I ever saw, so that's what I call him. Anyway, I just had to post that......


Maggie said...

You are right, birds can be stupid.

Abby said...


Sherman said...

I bump my head on things all the time just not on purpose. My family call me bone head because I keep walking as if it never happened.

Gudl said...

You are very funny, Sherman!

And Abby, you are the 'Queen'...sorry that the BIRD bothers you! I like the sound of a WOODPECKER!

Jake said...

We have one around here that pecks on the vent on our roof sometimes. It's very loud!

Abby said...

Yeah, they are loud! I hate them!

Anika and Tobias said...

Boy, that must be super annoying!!

Abby said...

It is!! Ugh, stupid birds!

Priscilla said...

I think it sounds cool!

Anonymous said...

Where isthe bird? Otherwise really neat!