This is the blog of a family dog named Abby in Upstate New York, who writes (in her own words)about her everyday life.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cold, White Stuff

Good evening my dearest canine friends!
I'm back by popular demand...for the evening anyway.
I was truly touched by the few who said they were glad I posted!
And so I'm here to tell you of my dreary recent days.

Yesterday there were murmurs from the humans about a big weather-related event. Apparently there was going to be lots of that white wet stuff falling from the sky; lots and lots. Just before it came time for me to beg for human food while they ingested the good stuff, the ringing black box sounded and it was that educational place my human sister goes to. They said she wouldn't have to come the next day (or today, for those of us who haven't made that connection).

Well. I may be just a dog, but the way they made it sound, there wasn't just supposed to be tons of the white stuff, there was going to be tons, upon tons, upon tons. But that didn't happen. We got enough to cover my paws when I walk outside, and that was all.
I'm not disappointed. We already had enough to go up to my belly, I can't walk in it any deeper! And as long as there's enough for me to roll around in, I'm satisfied.

My sister took pictures of me and the other dog the other day, and she made some perty collages. Here is I. And here is also the other dog, Sasha.

That directly above is us ruling the human girl's bed. As it should be.

Lately I have been playing ball with the human girl. She hides my ball from
the other dog, because that dog is a BALL DESTROYER! So the other dog has been gone for about a week now (but will return soon, I fear) so the girl has been playing with me. Which always goes well until she inevitably throws the ball at me. She claims it's my fault I get in the way; I claim I'm obviously just trying to get in the game and she should be reading my mind, am I right?

Otherwise, I've been doing well. I helped myself to a box of 6 mini croissants the other day,
and succeeded in getting a mini meal too after many hours of begging.

Stay warm doggies! And beware; humans are not actually very good at predicting weather.

Much love,


Bethany, Dahlia, Julia, and GEB Lucky said...

yay for another post!!! Whitley would like to meet you sometime, Abby. Would you like to play with her?

Abby said...

I would love to meet Whitley :) I'm up for playmates at any time, as long as she doesn't destroy my tennis ball.

Gudl said...

I love, love, love, this post!

i said...

Good to hear from you again, Abby! Stay warm now!

World of Animals, Inc said...

We hope you all stayed in the warm and cozy bed during the wet stuff coming down. Thanks for sharing the sweet photos. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals