This is the blog of a family dog named Abby in Upstate New York, who writes (in her own words)about her everyday life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


So, I was looking at blogs today and found Wanda's post-a scattergories game. Though I've only played Scattergories once, I like doing it on here (my blog). It's more fun without the timer ;-).

What you have to do is you have to copy these questions (I guess...or make some up) and instead of doing MY name, you use yours. Then, on every question, you have to answer with the first letter of your name. Ready? Here goes....oh, and you can't repeat a word, which means that since you used your name on the first one, you can't use it anywhere else. A dictionary helps, too...:

What is your name...........................Abby
4 Letter word....................................Apes
City......................................................Albany (New York)
Boy Name...........................................Arnold
Girl Name...........................................Annie
Something you wear.........................Abby Hair(I'm cheating there, I know...but my humans where my hair a lot!)
Celebrity.............................................Ashley Olson
Food......................................................Alpo dog food(or apples)
Something found in a bathroom........Aloe Lotion
Reason for being late...........................Alpo dog food (I had to eat first!)
Cartoon Character...............................Abby the Wonder Dog!(Does anyone know a cartoon character beginning with 'A'?)
Something you shout..........................Abbers! Come here, dog! (My humans don't normally call me Abbers, btw)
Body part...............................................Arm
Word to describe that wasn't very modest, I know..

Ok, so I kind of cheated...ok, kind of a lot. But atleast I posted! Maybe you want to try it, if you're struggling for a post-idea..... :-)


Wanda said...

Oh are a crack up!!

Loved all your answers...did Melissa help you a little???


cookie said...

Oh Abby,
That was great! I'm going to use that sometime. Thanks.
Maybe it will keep mom from running around with the camera for awhile.

Cookie and crew

BenTheRotti said...

Abby, thats great... maybe I will use that!


Ben xxx

Mack said...

Hi Abby!
I saw your name on Ben the Rotti's page and thought I'd say hi.

I would love to play that game too.

Come visit my bloggy sometime!