This is the blog of a family dog named Abby in Upstate New York, who writes (in her own words)about her everyday life.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Abby's Feeling a Little Under the Weather....


Hello, this is Mellimouse, Abby's (human) sister, posting. I'm running this post because Abby's not feeling too good, and I am the blog editor, after all...
You're probably wondering about all the pictures above. Well, let me explain. It all started last night (Monday night). Abby wouldn't eat her food, and she just wasn't acting like normal. Then she started trying to throw up, but nothing would come out. She would just hack and retch, but nothing happened! Then she started panting, and breathing really fast and hard. We were really worried about her, and we thought maybe she had a bone or something stuck in her throat. We waited out the night and in the morning she was still trying to throw up... We called the vet and scheduled an emergency visit. The vet looked her over and said that they would do x-rays and then an Endoscopic Exam(they called it a "Scope") to see if she had any "foreign bodies" that were causing her to act so weird/sick. They did both those and found that there was something, so they put her under and did surgery and found out that her stomach was inflamed(bright red!). They found a piece of something she ate that had caused it all, but it was very small and it fell apart when they took it out. They said if we had left Abby alone it would have healed itself soon. She just got home a little while ago, and she was still a little dizzy from the anesthesia. She got out of the trunk and started walking towards the house, but she was walking back and forth and her legs kept crossing each other. She's in her cage now(last pic.), resting. I'm looking at her right now and she's resting her head, eyes closed, fast asleep. So, she can't eat her regular dog food(3rd pic.) for two weeks. She has to be fed just prescribed canned food(1st pic.) and a special pill 1/2 an hour before(2nd pic.), so that she can keep the food down, and another pill twice a day...Let's see how this goes...normally when we give her a pill we wrap it in salami, but we can't do that now. Well, we'll do it somehow. I'll make sure Abby posts as soon as she's feeling better. Oh, wait, what was that?...Oh, she said to tell you bloggers she says hi, and she'll be up and blogging again real soon. She has to eat the first pill now, so I've gotta go. Bye!!!!!!


Anika said...

POOR BABY!!!!! I hope she feels better!!

Anonymous said...

Ist Abby Krank? Ist das ihre Medizin die sie alle nehmen muss?
Sie sieht traurig aus auf dem Foto,gehts ihr nicht gut??

Unknown said...

Well I'm glad she's feeling better. Thanks for the info.!

Abby said...

Hey, I'm up and better, and I will post again soon, probably Friday or Saturday.

JO said...

oh no! I am sorry that Abby is not feeling well.
:( I will say a prayer that she gets better really soon.

Take good care of her - Loads of love will do her good.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you let us know that Abby is feeling better because that was such a terrible story. All of my best wishes, Abby!

Abby said...

Thank you Gregoe and Jo! I'm feeling better already...And I really don't mind eating canned dog food for 2 weeks! It's like a vacation. And the pills don't taste that bad!

Anonymous said...

Hi Abby,
erhol Dich schnell ! Aber bei so einer guten Pflege sollte das kein Problem sein ! Viele Gruesse, Iris

Gemma said...

Hi Abby! Poor dog! Get well soon!!

Was das nur war, das sie da gefressen hatte, hm?

Gudl said...

Zum Glueck geht es Abby wieder besser! Allerdings ist sie nach wie vor nicht ganz auf dem Damm. Sie kommt noch immer leicht auser Atem u 'hebt sich'.... Ihre Magenschleimhaut ist wohl wirklich sehr entzuendet. Zum Glueck nimmt sie ohne Probleme das in ihrem Futter versteckte Antibiotikum u auch die andere Medizin.
Die Tierarztrechnung war ja auch sehr hoch! Auch von daher hoffen wir, dass die Behandlung hilft!!!

Pedi said...

Oh, arme Abby. Schön dass es die langsam besser geht, erhol dich gut und werd schnell wieder gesund!