This is the blog of a family dog named Abby in Upstate New York, who writes (in her own words)about her everyday life.

Monday, April 2, 2007

This is my niece, Sasha (you know, that little black thing in the pictures). She is now 6 months old and weighs 41 pounds. When my brother first brought her over, I hated her, to say the least. I mean, everyone payed attention to her, and I was just the "old lady". I mean, hey, I'm not as old as Lady, Boomer's sister yet, so I can't be that old! But anyway, Sasha's better now...more mature. She is also better trained. And prettier. Oops, I guess you see that I'm jealous. Well, I am!! I mean every time she comes it's "oh look at her play" and " isn't she so pretty" and even worse"does Sasha want a treat", which is most likely one of MY treats. Grrrrrrr. Why didn't I stay little and cute? I must not have thought of that. On one hand, though, she does know how to play pretty well. She can play fetch and she isn't that bad at wrestling, though Boomer will always be the champ at that. Well, I mean, um, well, he's pretty good. If you want to see videos of Sasha on my brother's site click here. I hope it works. If not, well, tell me. Anyway, see ya!


Gudl said...

Well, Abby, you will always have the first place in my heart when it comes to dogs. Don't you worry! Sasha is nice, but YOU are the BEST! Don't forget, Sasha comes ....and .... goes. YOU stay!
And thanks for playing so nicely with little Sasha. She is still little. And I know you know that, too!

Markus said...

She might be smallER than Abby, but she can kick some serious butt!!! Thanks for the link ;-)

Abby said...

Your welcome, Markus. I agree though, she is very strong. Well, I can be strong too, if I try......:-)

Abby said...

I know, mom. It's just so tempting to be annoyed with her. Plus, I like complaining.....:-)

Unknown said...

Oooh, nice. I love both the pics!

Anika and Tobias said...

yes, i must admit, i am awesome at wrestling- and ab- you're always first in my heart, well after lady, cuz shes family, but you're always second. (ya know, as a friend...)

Sherman said...

I wish I stayed little and cute too.

Abby said...

Right, a..."friend".....;)