This is the blog of a family dog named Abby in Upstate New York, who writes (in her own words)about her everyday life.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Dog Days in the Little Forest......This shows why I named this blog Dog Days. Boomer(a.k.a., my crush)and Lady (a.k.a.[according to Boomer] Granny) came to play with me yesterday!!!! It was awesome! My Boomer. Oh, he was great. First we went walking on the trail with our mommy's and ran through the stream (first picture), and I ran at Boomer heels the whole time! (see second picture). Man, he is fast....His so skilled in athletics. He participates in numerous sports, including(but not limited to) fetch the stick, fetch the ball, cat-&-dog wrestling, sneak into the garbage(0r any other forbidden places), tricks with his sister A, and catch the treat. It's so amazing to watch him. I consider it an honor. He just rocks my socks. (wow, what a saying! I don't even have socks!) I love him.....oh no, I said it!!!!!! I love him. Huhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Oh no, um, backspace, delete, darn it, they aren't working! Oh my! Uh,oh! I'm in for it. So um, just ignore the stuff I said about lov-no, don't say it Abby! Don't do it! Oh my gosh, I'm going to die. I said the three words that humans on that big screen thing always say to one another. Oh, no, I'm doomed! I gotta go, um........technical difficulties, that's it..........
10 human minutes later:
I have regained control of myself. I still can't get the backspace to work (grrrrrr). I just wanted to say afterward Boomer and I lay on the field and chewed deer bones (last picture) that I gladly helped him find and retrieve. So, yeah, there you have it. Well, bye........


Anika and Tobias said...

ummm, I've been meaning to tell you that same thing yesterdsay when I came over, but I chicken out. I never imagined you saying it first especially on a website, which everyone can see...but, uh ok! Well, I feel the same way!!

Abby said...

Oh, my! I'm so excited! We should get together...By the way, I didn't mean to put it on! I told you, the backspace wouldn't work ;-).
P.S. You are a chicken!!!!! ;)

Priscilla said...

ahhhhhhhh. Romance in the forest!

Sherman said...

I wish I could meet a girl who would share deer bones with me!

Abby said...

I will, but I am ALWAYS going to be true to Boomer....<:-)

Sherman said...

Hey I didn't comment that!!!! My mom must be sneaking on my accont or something. But I guess I would. well let's see Jake's got sydney so the leaves me with Jazimine, Maddie, or Lucy. none of them fit me.
Anyway, do you like IM each other all day? You should mechanic to fix that problem.

Abby said...

We don't IM, I'm not allowed to. Mommy says I'm still a young pup, though in dog years I'm....49, but oh well. I don't think I'd like IM-ing anyway. We only communicate through the blogs.