This is the blog of a family dog named Abby in Upstate New York, who writes (in her own words)about her everyday life.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Um....What do I post?!

I'm afraid my posts are getting much too boring-and infrequant. I'm still sick. I'm confused-I thought the vet, though horrible as he/she is, is supposed to work magic! Apparently, with me, it's not working. I've already been to the vet twice and got Xrays and been "scoped" and gotton medicine, and I'm still coughing. It says online that most of the time Kennel Cough only lasts about a week, and in very rare cases, up to 4 weeks, but I've had it since almost the beginning of December! I just wish I was better-this picture is of what I look like most of the time now, on good days. Some days my hair is ruffled, and I have to keep coughing. What's up with this?! I just hope I get better before summer, so I can run and play normally again...


Gudl said...

Poor Abby-baby.
I am glad you still run outside and you eat normal.
I am sure when the weather is warmer it will get better!

Misha said...

I really hope that the kennel cough goes away soon!

JO said...

Eatting well and exercising is good news to hear...