Hello! This post has to be quick, because I have to post it before my sister starts complaining that I'm hogging the computer.
Ok, you all know that a few weeks ago (actually, in the end of November) I got sick, trying to cough something up and all. Well, it was better for awhile because I was eating special food and pills, but lately it got worse again. I kept on coughing, and every time I tried to run I had to stop and cough! My mom took me to the vet on Monday, and he diagnosed me with Kennel Cough. I did get a shot against kennel cough this year (its a cough I can get from other doggies at the kennel, obviously) but I got it anyway. The picture is just to fill some empty space, it's of me lying on the floor at the vets. Anyway, I got new antibiotics for it, and the special food again, because my mom told the vet that while I ate the food I didn't cough, and he said maybe it was because of my food (although, I love my Alpo) so he gave us the food to see if it helps. So, I'm feeling MUCH better, and the best of all is, I still get to eat treats! The first time I was sick I wasn't allowed to eat treats, but I can now, and I still have treats from Gregor, and Gypsy's owners, and my human sis.......Mmm-mmm good. Have a great weekend everyone!